Kyrgyzstan Is the US’ Next Regime Change Target

Kyrgyzstan Is the US’ Next Regime Change Target

What Senator Menendez demands is nothing short of a soft coup brought about by voluntarily reversing Kyrgyzstan’s recent “Democratic Security” successes under the Damocles’ sword of “security and economic” consequences if it dares to refuse. If he has his way, then suspected Color Revolutionaries will be released from prison, Western “NGO” intel fronts will be…

Rules of War Must B-Rewritten 4-US and NATO-French Entanglements!

Rules of War Must B-Rewritten 4-US and NATO-French Entanglements!

What do you think about the direction the world is heading? It should come as no surprise that people are growing weary of much of what is going on, and alien technology and close encounters with visitors from another world (aliens) are more in vogue, and with ample justification. It’s all about control and keeping…

No Longer the “Lone” Superpower – Coming to Terms with China

No Longer the “Lone” Superpower – Coming to Terms with China

I recall forty years ago, when I was a new professor working in the field of Chinese and Japanese international relations, that Edwin O. Reischauer once commented, “The great payoff from our victory of 1945 was a permanently disarmed Japan.” Born in Japan and a Japanese historian at Harvard, Reischauer served as American ambassador to…

The Illusion of Scandal: How Washington Is Attempting to Dismiss $20 Million as an Illusion

The Illusion of Scandal: How Washington Is Attempting to Dismiss $20 Million as an Illusion

I previously wrote a column marveling at the success of the Bidens in pulling off one of the neatest tricks in political history. I analogized it to how Houdini used to make his 10,000-pound elephant Jennie disappear on a stage in front of a live audience. The media and political establishment is now striving to top…