The Turkish Attack on Rojava: Iran Is No Longer the US Target in Syria

The Turkish Attack on Rojava: Iran Is No Longer the US Target in Syria

Although the Turkish attack against the Syrian Kurds in North-East Syria (NES)is limited to a specific bordering buffer zone not larger than 32 kilometres, it will achieve a multiple layers of objectives if the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan respects the acknowledgement he has received from Russia and the US, permitting his forces to invade…

China’s Modern Blueprint for Global Power

China’s Modern Blueprint for Global Power

President Xi Jinping’s doctrine includes rejecting as illegitimate any “unequal treaties” forced on China by Euro-Atlantic powers, such as Great Britain’s imposition of the McMahon Line, which awarded to the British Crown Colony of India hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of Chinese territory. Chinese military exercises, new weapons systems and the surreptitious militarization of…

The Privatization of US Led Wars. The Pentagon’s Private Contractors

The Privatization of US Led Wars. The Pentagon’s Private Contractors

The economic logic has driven the increasing dependency on mercenaries and private contractors ever since the beginning of the “war on terror” in 2001. First, a few statistical indicators: 75% of all western military personnel in Afghanistan are now private contractors. There are over 150,000 Pentagon-financed contractors in Afghanistan today. 2012 was the first year…

Greece’s Reinvigorated Alliance with the US Is All About GRISCY

Greece’s Reinvigorated Alliance with the US Is All About GRISCY

The recent military-driven reinvigoratation of the US-Greek Strategic Partnership is motivated by their shared interests in ensuring the security of a prospective Greek-“Israeli”-Cypriot (GRISCY) pipeline from Turkish claims to the last-mentioned island’s exclusive economic zone through which this project must traverse en route to Europe. *** Greece recently reinvogorated its alliance with the US following…

Cautious Optimism on Turks and Kurds

Cautious Optimism on Turks and Kurds

Amid the usual hysterics of ‘impending genocide’ and ‘brutal betrayal’, the long-expected Turkish operation in northeast Syria is rolling, and Turkish troops accompanied by their Syrian rebel allies quickly advance into the former US occupation zone east of the Euphrates River, pushing the Kurdish nationalist militias away from the border. The American soldiers withdrew from…