The Threat of Bolton Has Retreated, But Not the Threat of War

The Threat of Bolton Has Retreated, But Not the Threat of War

John Bolton tried his best. The national security adviser entered the Trump administration as a predictable warmonger with an unslakable thirst for power. He streamlined the national security apparatus to maximize his access to the president. At least at first, he played the role of loyal adjutant to Trump. As in his days as an…

30+ Afghans Killed in Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years of War on Afghanistan

30+ Afghans Killed in Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years of War on Afghanistan

From the abstract of a (paywalled) piece about the never ending U.S. war on Afghanistan: Slow failure: Understanding America’s quagmire in Afghanistan The United States government has no organised way of thinking about war termination other than seeking decisive military victory. This implicit assumption is inducing three major errors. First, the United States tends to…

Binyamin Netanyahu’s World War

Binyamin Netanyahu’s World War

On 10 September Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu claimed he’d identified a third secret nuclear site in Iran where Iran allegedly “conducted experiments to develop nuclear weapons”. Yet, despite the hyperbole no one seemed to take Netanyahu seriously: the Israeli press was amused by the desperate election stunt. His political rivals mocked him and a few hours after…