America’s B-21 Raider and Why the West Can’t “Spend” it’s way Out of Ukraine

America’s B-21 Raider and Why the West Can’t “Spend” it’s way Out of Ukraine

US arms manufacturer Northrop Grumman recently unveiled its new stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider. Having not even flown yet and still facing an extensive critical design review, it won’t enter service any time in the immediate future. The B-21 Raider is estimated to cost around 753 million US dollars per aircraft – a significant sum…

News From the NATOstan-Imposed Meat Grinder

News From the NATOstan-Imposed Meat Grinder

Somewhere in her private pantheon, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Geopolitics, is immensely enjoying the show. No one ever lost money capitalizing on the unlimited nonsense spewed out by the collective deer caught in the headlights also known as Western mainstream media – complete with showering Person of the Year awards on a megalomaniac, cocaine-fueled lousy…

Capable of the Worst, the Union of Certain Rulers Makes World War Possible

Capable of the Worst, the Union of Certain Rulers Makes World War Possible

The Second World War can serve as a lesson to us. It did not appear in a serene sky. It was not a battle of the Good guys against the Bad guys. It was just triggered by an unforeseen gathering of forces capable of destroying everything. After the economic crisis of 1929, the whole world…

Rishi Sunak’s Bali Fiasco and Then His Bland Banquet Babble

Rishi Sunak’s Bali Fiasco and Then His Bland Banquet Babble

There will be more confrontations, more divisions, more effort at ‘divide and rule’ strong arming both small and big nations at any possible geopolitical corner by the British. It seems to be yet unknown whether Rishi Sunak has yet fully recovered from the complete humiliation by Xi Jinping at the Bali summit in that Xi…

The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World

The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World

Although Doyle instances a lot of criminal and other cases that supports his thesis, he does not dwell on them which is a good thing as many of them are revolting. Andrew Doyle’s The New Puritans: How The Religion of Social Justice Captured The Western World begins and ends with America’s Salem Witch Trials. In…