President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump as they arrived in Poland on Thursday. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Poland)

Trump’s Dangerous Thirst for a Clash of Civilizations

“A little learning is a dangerous thing,” wrote the poet Alexander Pope. Three centuries later, Pope’s aphorism perfectly — and dangerously — describes President Trump’s understanding of history as a zero-sum clash of civilizations in which “the West” can triumph by imposing its will. The speech Trump delivered Thursday in Warsaw’s Krasinski Square might have…

The West Argues that Muslims Represent a Major Threat, Or Do They?

The West Argues that Muslims Represent a Major Threat, Or Do They?

Upon witnessing what looks like an unending stream of terrorist attacks in Europe that was preceded by a major influx of refugees attempting to escape war and destruction that the West created across the Middle East and North Africa, it’s safe to say that Islamophobia is here to stay, at least among political circles in the…

Mafia, Guns And Clans: The Big Libyan Oil Heist

Mafia, Guns And Clans: The Big Libyan Oil Heist

Libya’s oil production problems extend far beyond whether the forces of Tripoli or Benghazi secure ultimate control over the country: Clan-based militias are running their own smuggling operations, and their mafia reach is said to extend as far as the Coast Guard—and even into Europe. This smuggled oil is making its way into Europe, and…

© Aly Song / Reuters

China Connects East & West with Longest Bullet Train Line

One of the world’s longest high-speed railways has started operating in China, linking the country’s prosperous eastern coast to the less-developed southwest, the state Xinhua news agency has reported. Just how many tunnels does China's #Shanghai–#Kunming high speed rail run through? Watch footage taken along part of the route — People's Daily, China (@PDChina)…

Islamophobia: Why Are So Many, So Frightened

Islamophobia: Why Are So Many, So Frightened

Islamophobia has become a significant factor driving politics in many western countries. Islamophobia – fear of Muslims – is now highly visible among European populations concerned about terrorist responses from Islamic groups claiming Jihadi links. However, it is also evident among those same populations in relation to the refugee flow from the Middle East. In…