The China-Russia Alliance Does Not Have to Be a Threat to the West

The China-Russia Alliance Does Not Have to Be a Threat to the West

In this essay we will examine two aspects of the same issue: the strategic partnership between Russia and China which is fast becoming a foreign policy, commercial and military alliance. The first question centers on the relationship itself, how solid is it, and in particular can this potential game changer in international relations be unwound,…

The Insidious ISIS-US Relationship. The West is Terrorizing and Destroying Countries

The Insidious ISIS-US Relationship. The West is Terrorizing and Destroying Countries

SIS/Daesh have always been place-setters[1] for the U.S Empire and its Coalition of regime-change criminal cohorts. Once Daesh is installed in an area, the area is destroyed and depopulated. Syrians flee from terrorist-held areas, to government -secured areas. Now that the Syrian government and its allies are winning the just war against Western backed, sustained,…

The West’s Quest to ‘Save the World Through Degeneracy’

The West’s Quest to ‘Save the World Through Degeneracy’

Analysts of world affairs tend to fall into certain traps concerning the motivations and behavior of political actors. We consistently look at politicians’ electoral support, states’ access to resources, lines of offense or defense, traditional alliances and enmities, the profits of empowered interests, geography, demography, and many other objective factors. But the subjective ideological, spiritual,…