Palestine: How Western Aid Enables Israel’s Colonialism

Palestine: How Western Aid Enables Israel’s Colonialism

Since the Oslo I Accord was signed in 1993, international donors have expended more than $50bn in foreign aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). That funding has been channelled through a western development model that was designed, at least on the surface, to foster Palestinian economic and institutional development. The western architects of that…

Russo-Turkish Relations: The ‘Indivisible Security’ Principle Is No Longer Binding

Russo-Turkish Relations: The ‘Indivisible Security’ Principle Is No Longer Binding

Turkey seems to demonstrate what some experts on Turkey call “transactional relationship” or “eastern bazaar mentality.” I recall vividly the latest NATO Summit that took place in Vilnius and was given a lot of coverage on the Russian TV. As a result of digesting daily news I can instantly visualise a huge gathering of Western…

Across the West, People Are Dying in Greater Numbers. Nobody Wants to Learn Why

Across the West, People Are Dying in Greater Numbers. Nobody Wants to Learn Why

During the pandemic, the challenge for each of us was to maintain critical distance: spurning both the tribalism of those insisting Covid was a hoax and the counter-tribalism of those who demanded complete acquiesence to a corporate-political agenda dictated by Big Pharma under the mantle of “Follow the science”. Fear of living under Big Brother…

The Degradation of the Western Elite Is a Serious Danger to the International World

The Degradation of the Western Elite Is a Serious Danger to the International World

Recent years have given rise to a great deal of evidence that the current governments of some Western nations have stopped taking into account the fundamental rules of international law and are breaking previously made agreements. Their practices include outright lies and deceit; they do not shy away from passing off black as white and…

Ward 7: Psychological Portraits of the G7 International Club Leaders

Ward 7: Psychological Portraits of the G7 International Club Leaders

The American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition (DSM-III) uses the term “neurotic” in the title of the section (group) of mental disorders: “Neurotic, Stress-Related, and Somatoform Disorders.” That is, we can argue that neurotic = related to the psyche, and not necessarily as a deviation from the norm. As confirmation we…

Burning the Quran and the Counter-Offensive: Why the West Is Panicking

Burning the Quran and the Counter-Offensive: Why the West Is Panicking

Desecrating, then burning the Holy Quran in Sweden has, once again, raised a political storm of condemnation but also of justification, if not outright approval. Such acts are protected by law, top Swedish and EU officials have declared. But why are the rights of those who oppose Western agendas, colonialism, imperialism, Zionism and military interventions…