Battleground Beirut: Western Colony or Back to the East?

Battleground Beirut: Western Colony or Back to the East?

As much as Covid-19 has been instrumentalized by the 0.001% to social engineer a Great Reset, the Beirut tragedy is already being instrumentalized by the usual suspects to keep Lebanon enslaved. Facing oh so timely color revolution-style “protests”, the current Lebanese government led by Prime Minister Diab has already resigned. Even before the port tragedy,…

Forbidden Op-Ed: The Sputnik Vaccine as a Lifesaving Global Partnership

Forbidden Op-Ed: The Sputnik Vaccine as a Lifesaving Global Partnership

This opinion piece, which tells the story behind the creation of the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 and emphasizes the willingness of Russia to cooperate with the international community, has been rejected by all leading Western media. We therefore decided to publish it as is in order to share our views with an international audience and…

The Muslim Holocaust

The Muslim Holocaust

Holocaust is a word that Zionist propagandists have reserved for Jewish experience. However, in a new book, US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide (Korsgaard Publishing, 2020), Dr. Gideon Polya documents that three to four times more Muslims have been killed by Washington’s 21st century wars than there are Jews in Israel. Polya concludes that…