Role Over: Crisis of Masculinity Leaves No Place for Men in a Progressive Society

Role Over: Crisis of Masculinity Leaves No Place for Men in a Progressive Society

What does it take to be a man in modern Western society, where tolerance of all things liberal exists alongside antagonism to ideas deemed incompatible with the progressive order? What identity can men maintain in this world? Being a gentleman and displaying chivalry – opening doors for women or giving up your seat on the…

Wikileaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!

Wikileaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!

The revelations – studiously ignored by the mainstream media – shed a light on the tangled web weaved by the complicit media and the West’s shameless hypocrisy, involving the OPCW, Wikileaks and Julian Assange’s illegal detention. A whistleblower from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) delivered to Wikileaks authentic documents to do…

Western Zero-Sum Geopolitics is a Dead-End

Western Zero-Sum Geopolitics is a Dead-End

The US and its Western allies are creating more international tensions and instability in a futile bid to carve the globe into “spheres of interest” and “exclusivity”. That’s the way Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov views it, and few objective observers of international relations could disagree with his admonishment. Russia’s top diplomat says the only…

International System, Its Origins and Rules

International System, Its Origins and Rules

The Genesis of the International System When continents began to interact between themselves, from approximately five centuries ago, slowly, they started to form, what is now called the “international system”. It is an attempt to break the Islamic fence – which threatened to strangle strategically the small and divided Christian kingdoms of Europe -, Portugal…