Russia to Exit WHO, WTO and Other UN Agencies?

Russia to Exit WHO, WTO and Other UN Agencies?

Is Russia about to leave the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) – and possibly other UN and international bodies? This topic has received little or no coverage by the western mainstream media. According to Russian Duma’s Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy, the Russian Government is evaluating the possibility to withdraw from…

China – Peacefully Forward into the Great Change

China – Peacefully Forward into the Great Change

On 25th January, during the first session of the virtual World Economic Forum (WEF), President Xi Jinping, in his address stated clearly that China’s agenda was to move forward in the World of Great Change, with their renewed policy of multilateralism, aiming for a multi-polar world, where nations would be treated as equals. China will continue to vouch…

Trade Wars Threaten Post-Pandemic Global Economic Recovery

Trade Wars Threaten Post-Pandemic Global Economic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic did not stop U.S. protectionism and its trade disputes with the rest of the world, especially with China and the European Union. In actual fact, it deepened the conflict. This behaviour anticipates very complicated post-pandemic international trade, which can exacerbate the protectionist tendencies of developed economies and, therefore, affect the global recovery. The World Trade…

The Economic Aspects of a Trade War between Japan and Korea

The Economic Aspects of a Trade War between Japan and Korea

On 4 July 2020, it will be exactly one year since Japan introduced export restrictions on South Korea on three types of chemicals critical for the microelectronics industry: fluorinated polyimide, hydrogen fluoride, and photoresists. South Korea called that step the start of a trade war. We should recall the essence of the issue: Japan highlights…

EU Is Showing Its ‘Cracks’ Already as Boris Now Shows It the Whip on Trade Deal

EU Is Showing Its ‘Cracks’ Already as Boris Now Shows It the Whip on Trade Deal

The delusional views of diehard federalists in Brussels are probably going to be responsible for the EU itself falling on its own sword. When BBC pro-EU journalists have to admit the reality, Brussels should take heed and get rid of Guy Verhofstadt. The last time anything quite so sensational happened in the EU, was on…