Donald Trump’s Final Act: Snuffing Out the Promise of Democracy in the Middle East

Donald Trump’s Final Act: Snuffing Out the Promise of Democracy in the Middle East

Ten years ago, a hawker in Tunisia set himself on fire, which spurred on people along the entire Mediterranean Sea—from Morocco to Spain—to rise up in revolt. They took to their squares indignant at the terrible conditions in which they had to make their lives. Little of their agenda has been advanced in the past…

Biden & Yemen: Will He Do the Right Thing Even for the Wrong Reasons?

Biden & Yemen: Will He Do the Right Thing Even for the Wrong Reasons?

Pro-Yemeni activists hope that Biden will stay true to his prior promise to stop funding the GCC’s War on Yemen, but even if he does what’s arguably the morally right thing, he’ll probably be doing it for geopolitical reasons even if he tries to pass it off as a matter of principle for soft power…

Saudi Rushes to Improve Its Image in Advance of G20 and Biden

Saudi Rushes to Improve Its Image in Advance of G20 and Biden

Saudi Arabia has taken multiple steps to polish its tarnished image in advance of this weekend’s hosting of the virtual summit of the G20 that groups the world’s foremost economies and in anticipation of an incoming Biden administration in the United States that is expected to be critical of Riyadh and potentially more conciliatory towards…

The Yemen Civil War Arms Bonanza

The Yemen Civil War Arms Bonanza

“Making billions from arms exports which fuel the conflict while providing a small fraction of that in aid to Yemen is both immoral and incoherent.”  So thundered Oxfam’s Yemen Country Director, Muhsin Siddiquey after consulting figures from the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) showing that members of the G20 have exported over $17 billion worth…