The Unspoken War on Yemen, Anglo-American Crimes against Humanity, U.N. and Media Silence, Complicity of “The International Community”, Destruction of an Entire Country…

The Unspoken War on Yemen, Anglo-American Crimes against Humanity, U.N. and Media Silence, Complicity of “The International Community”, Destruction of an Entire Country…

Is your money that good? Will it buy you forgiveness? Do you think that it could?” (Bob Dylan, b 1941, Masters of War.) On Tuesday 6th of September, twenty-four hour monitoring by Yemen’s Legal Centre for Rights and Development (LCRD) recorded the bombings by the Saudi led “coalition”, armed by the US and UK and…

Before the latest war, Rahban's ancient mud houses were home to thousands of people (Mohammed Al-Mikhlafi/MEE)

A Calamity Is Unfolding In Yemen And It Is Time The World Woke Up

The humanitarian calamity in Yemen entered a terrifying new phase of horror this month as air strikes on the capital city of Sanaa started again after a five-month lull. Planes from the Saudi-led coalition bombarded the city following the collapse of peace talks in Kuwait. The assaults are destroying civilian infrastructure, and threaten to prevent…

Houthi Forces In Yemen Capture Territory in Asir, Saudi Arabia, Close In On Najran Provincial Capital

Houthi Forces In Yemen Capture Territory in Asir, Saudi Arabia, Close In On Najran Provincial Capital

Houthi fighters have once again struck a major blow to Saudi Arabia inside Saudi territory. After a string of territory and military bases inside Saudi Arabia being seized by the Houthis particularly in the Najran province, the fighters have now seized several Saudi military posts in the Asir Province.

In ‘Peace Initiative,’ Kerry Demands Yemen’s Houthis Surrender and Disarm

In ‘Peace Initiative,’ Kerry Demands Yemen’s Houthis Surrender and Disarm

Jeddah, Secretary of State John Kerry announced a deal with Saudi Arabia on a new “peace initiative” related to the ongoing Saudi invasion of Yemen. As with all previous such initiatives, Kerry’s statement laying out the plan demanded that the Shi’ite Houthis, who the Saudis are fighting, must immediately surrender all territory and unilaterally disarm before being allowed to participate in any talks.

KSA Responds To Houthi Invasion By Bombing Saudi Citizens

August 17, 2016Brandon Turbeville In its agitation and panic over the recent Houthi invasion of Saudi territory and overtaking of Saudi military installations on the Yemeni border, KSA is now attempting to take back control of its Jizan region. Fully engrossed in its illegal war on the Yemeni people, the Saudis responded rather slowly to…

US Defense Firms Profit By Saudi Arabia’s Slaughter Of Yemen

“13 yo Mohamed, IDP from #Saada, broke his leg walking thru a field of #Cluster submunition in #Safra #YemenCrisis” — Photos via Rasha Mohamed (@RashaMoh2) on Twitter. Original: August 15, 2016 Dan Wright It is not secret that Saudi Arabia has been carrying out ghastly war crimes on the people of Yemen using US…