Who are the Turkish-backed Forces in Latest Syria Incursion?

Who are the Turkish-backed Forces in Latest Syria Incursion?

Turkey, dubbing the operation it launched in northern Syria on Oct. 9 Operation Peace Spring (which also could be translated as Operation Fountain of Peace), has been reorganizing Syrian militia groups loyal to Ankara under the banner of the Syrian National Army, or Jaish al-Watani in Arabic. Turkey’s choice of names with peaceful and nationalist…

Fighter from Turkish-backed National Liberation Front in village of Kiridiyahin, northern Syria, on 15 January (AFP)

A 'Security Zone' in Northern Syria? Easier Said Than Done

Under pressure from opponents in the United States, President Donald Trump last week raised the prospect of establishing a 20-mile (32km) “security zone” in northern Syria to prevent a Turkish military operation against the People’s Protection Units (YPG), a US-backed Kurdish militia. Turkish officials, including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, initially have appeared eager to accept…

John Bolton (L) and Ibrahim Kalin, during their meeting in Ankara on Tuesday (Reuters)

The US Five-Point 'Non-Paper' for Syria Delivered by Bolton to Turkey

US diplomats and military officials failed to present any specific details to their Turkish counterparts about Washington’s plans to withdraw its forces from northern Syria during National Security Adviser John Bolton’s visit to Ankara on Tuesday, Middle East Eye has learned. Turkish officials had been expecting Bolton and his entourage to bring with them draft…

The Syrian Army Enters Manbij as Trump Follows Through on Withdrawal: Iraq Is Next

The Syrian Army Enters Manbij as Trump Follows Through on Withdrawal: Iraq Is Next

The US presidential plane landed in the darkness of the Iraqi military base of Ayn al-Assad in west Anbar with Donald Trump onboard. But by the time his plane took off three hours later, Trump left behind a protocol-political-parliamentary storm in Mesopotamia as Iraqi members of parliament requested the departure of the 5200 US forces…

Turkish forces are seen in a convoy near the northern Syrian town of Saraqib on 29 August (AFP)

Why Turkey’s Military Operation East of the Euphrates Could Reshape Region

The phrase “red line” has become commonplace in the rhetoric of world leaders, referencing unacceptable actions or policies.  For Turkey, the presence of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) along its border with Syria is a matter of national security, coloured in the most vibrant shade of crimson. While the US views the YPG as the…