US Military Increasingly Defenseless Against Formidable New Enemy (No, It’S Not Russia)

US Military Increasingly Defenseless Against Formidable New Enemy (No, It’S Not Russia)

America is forever researching and developing new weapons for defending itself against enemies, both real and imagined. Yet it seems to have been taken unawares by a deadly new adversary in the form of suicide in the ranks. Many people have asked themselves at one time or another how soldiers are able to come to…

The Lies of Our (Financial) Times. How “Business Publications” Mislead Public Opinion

The Lies of Our (Financial) Times. How “Business Publications” Mislead Public Opinion

Introduction The leading financial publications have misled their political and investor subscribers of emerging crises and military defeats which have precipitated catastrophic political and economic losses. The most egregious example is the Financial Times (FT) a publication which is widely read by the business and financial elite. In this essay we will proceed by outlining…

Could Saudi Arabia Become the Middle East’s Next Failed State?

Could Saudi Arabia Become the Middle East’s Next Failed State?

Reports are growing that Muhammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s hyperactive crown prince, is losing his grip. His economic reform program has stalled since his father, King Salman, nixed plans to privatize 5 percent of Saudi Aramco. The Saudi war in Yemen, which the prince launched in March 2015, is more of a quagmire than ever…

PayPal’s Punishment of InfoWars Is Part of Big Tech’s Censorship Campaign

PayPal’s Punishment of InfoWars Is Part of Big Tech’s Censorship Campaign

PayPal terminated Infowars’ account and gave it ten days to find a replacement. The company basically jumped on the censorship bandwagon being led by other Big Tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify which earlier blocked Alex Jones on the pretext that his allegedly “hateful” broadcasts violate their terms of service. Without…

Empire of Lies: Are “We, The People” Useful Idiots in the Digital Age?

Empire of Lies: Are “We, The People” Useful Idiots in the Digital Age?

Back in the heyday of the old Soviet Union, a phrase evolved to describe gullible western intellectuals who came to visit Russia and failed to notice the human and other costs of building a communist utopia. The phrase was “useful idiots” and it applied to a good many people who should have known better. I now propose…