Kazakhstan May Hold the Secret for Greater Eurasia

Kazakhstan May Hold the Secret for Greater Eurasia

The no holds barred US-China strategic competition may be leading us to the complete fragmentation of the current “world-system” – as Wallerstein defined it. Yet compared to the South China Sea, the Korean peninsula, the Taiwan Straits, India-China’s Himalayan border, and selected latitudes of the Greater Middle East, Central Asia shines as a portrait of…

The UAE and Israel: More than a Marriage of Convenience

The UAE and Israel: More than a Marriage of Convenience

With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu advancing his West Bank annexation plan, albeit only gradually, attention has been directed towards the warming ties between the United Arab Emirates and Israel in recent years.  Although Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to Washington, took a strong stance against the planned annexation in an op-ed published in Hebrew,…

Britain Is Following Its Big Brother by Imposing So-Called Humanitarian Sanctions

Britain Is Following Its Big Brother by Imposing So-Called Humanitarian Sanctions

The UK’s imposition of so-called “humanitarian sanctions” against 49 individuals from Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, and Saudi Arabia that it claims are supposedly involved in “human rights abuses” is nothing more than London following its “big brother’s” lead from “across the pond” in the post-Brexit era, proving that the former superpower is well past its…

On the Problems with Japan’s Course of Movement “Toward the Southwest”

On the Problems with Japan’s Course of Movement “Toward the Southwest”

In the strategic game that is playing out in the area around the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the presence of Japan is growing more prominent. The nature of this presence is reflected in both the aspect of Japan re-establishing itself as a leading world power and the swift transformation of the political puzzle taking shape…

Netanyahu’s Annexation Drive

Netanyahu’s Annexation Drive

Land seizures, annexations, and conquest. These are words axiomatic to the state of Israel. In the main, the state has maintained an uncomfortable position based on patience and attrition. We have waited this long; you will wait longer. Be it dispossessed Palestinians and their aspirations for state recognition or what are loosely described as the…

If You Think Scottish Nationalism Is Bad Now, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

If You Think Scottish Nationalism Is Bad Now, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Scottish nationalists hate me with a vengeance. The separatist movement is on a very vocal rise, and anyone – especially a Scot like me – daring to oppose it, is being told they aren’t a real Scot and should get out of Scotland. “Some men hate a crab. It runs sideways, not straight, disturbs the…