Disconnect Over Afghanistan War Shows Dysfunction of US Politics

Disconnect Over Afghanistan War Shows Dysfunction of US Politics

A Washington Post report this week (reposted here) has exposed the US war in Afghanistan as a vile charade. Declassified government papers reveal notes and interviews by hundreds of senior US officials which attest to systematic lies and deception in the conduct of that war. The GW Bush and Obama administrations are directly implicated in…

Afghanistan: Oh, When Will We Ever Learn?

Afghanistan: Oh, When Will We Ever Learn?

“U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign,” the Washington Post’s Craig Whitlock reports, “making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable.” Whitlock bases that claim on a collection of candid, confidential interviews with more than 400 military…

Boris’ Landslide Victory Proves That Democracy Is Alive & Well In The UK

Boris’ Landslide Victory Proves That Democracy Is Alive & Well In The UK

Incumbent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s landslide victory over socialist opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn defied expectations because the former’s supporters — just like his ally Trump’s “across the pond” — largely kept their political opinions to themselves before the vote because of how polarizing the domestic environment had become ahead of what functioned as the…