Chemical Used in Antibacterial Hand Soaps May Impair Muscle Function

Chemical Used in Antibacterial Hand Soaps May Impair Muscle Function

In recent years, our lexicon been bombarded with antibacterial products. Hand sanitizer dispensers are found all over the place, including my local YMCA. The shopping cart corral at the market usually has a canister of antibacterial wipes handy for the handle. Who knows what germs and other “ickies” infested the hands of the person who…

LSD Microdosing Is Trending in Silicon Valley, But Can It Actually Make You More Creative?

LSD Microdosing Is Trending in Silicon Valley, But Can It Actually Make You More Creative?

It may seem like a doomed attempt to mix business and pleasure. But a growing number of young professionals in Silicon Valley insist that taking small doses of psychedelic drugs simply makes them perform better at work – becoming more creative and focused. The practice, known as “microdosing”, involves taking minute quantities of drugs such…

Solar Eclipse, ‘Snow’ Moon and Comet in a One Night Astronomical Triple Treat

Solar Eclipse, ‘Snow’ Moon and Comet in a One Night Astronomical Triple Treat

Beware the werewolves, witches and lunatics as the weekend approaches and with it, a penumbral lunar eclipse, a “snow” moon and new year comet, in a triple astrological delight. A prenumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the moon moves through the outer part of the Earth’s shadow, known as the penumbra, according to However, it’s set to be a…