Who are the Turkish-backed Forces in Latest Syria Incursion?

Who are the Turkish-backed Forces in Latest Syria Incursion?

Turkey, dubbing the operation it launched in northern Syria on Oct. 9 Operation Peace Spring (which also could be translated as Operation Fountain of Peace), has been reorganizing Syrian militia groups loyal to Ankara under the banner of the Syrian National Army, or Jaish al-Watani in Arabic. Turkey’s choice of names with peaceful and nationalist…

West Dumps Terrorists in Syria

West Dumps Terrorists in Syria

It’s a thorny issue. What to do with members of proscribed terror groups captured in Syria who are citizens of Europe or North America? The US government, as well as the British and French, among others, assert they don’t want to take back nationals who are accused of being members of various jihadist terror groups, like Daesh or al-Nusra Front*. With the…

Al-Qaeda militants standing on the “Moderate Free Syrian Army” flag after defeating its fighters in north Syria.

Trump Retreats from His Promise of Withdrawal While al-Qaeda Makes Progress in Syria

Al-Nusra front – al-Qaeda rebranded as HTS (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham) – is expanding its influence and military control over entire Syrian cities and villages in northern and western rural Aleppo. Abu Mohammad al-Joulani, the ex- ISIS (the Islamic State terror group) Emir of Syria and the self proclaimed Emir of al-Qaeda in the Levant, is…