Journey to Aleppo: Exposing the Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda

Journey to Aleppo: Exposing the Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda

The Syrian people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘opposition forces’ backed by the US, NATO member states and their allies in the Gulf states and Israel. Yet their suffering is largely ignored in the mainstream media unless it furthers the agenda dictated by the State Department. Aleppo has become synonymous with destruction and…

US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during the International Syria Support Group meeting at the Palace Hotel in Manhattan, New York, U.S. on 22 September 2016 (Photo: Reuters)

How the Pentagon Sank the US-Russia Deal in Syria – and the Ceasefire

Another US-Russian Syria ceasefire deal has been blown up. Whether it could have survived even with a US-Russian accord is open to doubt, given the incentives for al-Qaeda and its allies to destroy it. But the politics of the US-Russian relationship played a central role in the denouement of the second ceasefire agreement. The final…

© SANA / Reuters

Airstrike Kills Top Nusra Commander Outside Aleppo, as Syrian Army Retakes New Neighborhood

Senior Al-Nusra Front commander, known under the alias Abu Omar Saraqeb, was reportedly killed in a targeted airstrike on the village of Kafr Naha, 15 km north of Aleppo. In the city, Syrian government forces regained control over Ramousah district. The airstrike reportedly hit a group of Jabhat Fath Al-Sham militants as they were convening…

Battle for Aleppo: Al-Nusra Rebels Storm Artillery Base, Claim to Break Siege

Battle for Aleppo: Al-Nusra Rebels Storm Artillery Base, Claim to Break Siege

The battle for Aleppo appears to have taken a turn for the worst with ‘moderate’ rebel groups including al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham seizing an artillery base and reportedly cracking a passageway to the city of Aleppo although the Islamist terrorists continue to suffer heavy casualties. A coalition of Syrian Islamist rebel groups, including the former…

Fighters from the Islamist Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra © Abdalghne Karoof / Reuters

Moscow on Al-Nusra rebranding: Attempts by terrorists to disguise themselves futile

Russia will continue fighting terrorists in Syria, even if they pretend to be someone else, its Foreign Ministry said following an announcement by Nusra Front that it will change its name and break up with Al Qaeda. “No matter how Jabhat al-Nusra calls itself, it will remain an illegal terrorist organization, which has no other…