Top Five Anxiety-Relieving Foods

Top Five Anxiety-Relieving Foods

Is anxiety affecting your life negatively? Don’t fret — you can soothe your spirit and hunger with these five anxiety-relieving foods that are good for your body and your mood According to the American Psychiatric Association, nearly two-thirds of U.S. residents surveyed in 2017 were “extremely or somewhat anxious” about the health and safety of…

Holding Healthcare Hostage: The Making of a Ventilator Crisis

Holding Healthcare Hostage: The Making of a Ventilator Crisis

How big-business stopped cheap ventilators from making it to market, leaving nations vulnerable for over a decade to crisis shortages.  When coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) began dominating headlines, it was accompanied by fears of potential shortages of critical medical equipment including personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators. Nations like Russia had large stockpiles of affordable ventilators…

The Next Pandemic

The Next Pandemic

Congress is already thinking about how to prevent the next pandemic. See how quickly Cory Booker (D-NJ) has teamed up with Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to write a letter calling for a global ban on “wet markets.” The current pandemic is reputed to have originated in a wet market in the Chinese city of Wuhan. So,…

Coronavirus Devastates Italy: Is It the Result of Globalism and Free Trade?

Coronavirus Devastates Italy: Is It the Result of Globalism and Free Trade?

The devastating impact of the coronavirus on Italy has sparked considerable speculation as to why the country appears to have suffered so disproportionately from the disease. Some initial theories suggested that the deaths might be due to lower standards and ill-advised practices in the Italian national health system, but the reality is that northern Italy,…

70 Natural Substances That Mitigate the Effects of Tobacco Smoke

70 Natural Substances That Mitigate the Effects of Tobacco Smoke

The adverse effects of smoking tobacco are well known. Here are 70 natural substances proven to alleviate or improve tobacco effects Much research has been done to determine the adverse effects of tobacco and nicotine. However, recent research studies have focused their efforts on discovering natural substances that might attenuate or reverse the effects of…