US – UK Intelligence Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

US – UK Intelligence Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives. *** In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and…

US Intelligence: If Trump Wins Russia Did It, If Biden Wins It Was China & Iran

US Intelligence: If Trump Wins Russia Did It, If Biden Wins It Was China & Iran

Back in April I said “China’s gonna be so surprised when it finds out it interfered in the November election.” Now three months ahead of schedule China is already getting its surprise, alongside fellow unabsorbed governments Iran and Russia. Mass media throughout the Western world are uncritically passing along a press release from the U.S. intelligence community,…

Intelligence Agencies Mobilized in the Fight against COVID-19

Intelligence Agencies Mobilized in the Fight against COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak has and will certainly continue to affect all of our daily lives and reality as we know it. Covid-19 has exposed a multitude of problems that have built up in modern society. Health systems in many different countries have not got enough medical supplies, there are problems with social insurance schemes for…

MI6 chief Alex Younger speaks at MI6’s Vauxhall Cross headquarters in central London

MI6’s Spymaster Revealed How the UK Is Conducting “Fourth Generation Espionage”

The head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) Alex Younger briefed the public about the challenges of so-called “fourth generation espionage”. The UK’s top spy spent some of his time blaming Russia for trying to, as he put it, “subvert the UK way of life” by supposedly poisoning the Skripals and through other mischievous…