New Delhi Hobnobs with Neocons to Disrupt the New Silk Road in Europe

New Delhi Hobnobs with Neocons to Disrupt the New Silk Road in Europe

The recent joint event between the infamous Heritage Foundation neocon think tank and its prestigious Indian partner from the Observer Research Foundation saw New Delhi’s representatives slamming China’s Silk Road role in Europe in an attempt to advance three strategic objectives. The Heritage Foundation, perhaps the US’ most well-known neoconservative think tank, co-hosted an event…

Modi Predictably Fails to Seize the Opportunities Offered to India by Chinese President Xi Jinping

Modi Predictably Fails to Seize the Opportunities Offered to India by Chinese President Xi Jinping

In typical Chinese style, President Xi Jinping invited India to embrace a spirit of cooperation, Asianism and the win-win mentality that would be mutually benefit to both large Asian powers, but particularly to India due to the fact that China’s economic and developmental model could offer much to an Indian state struggling with economic inequality,…

US Decries Chinese High-Speed Rail in Laos

US Decries Chinese High-Speed Rail in Laos

China’s plans to build high-speed rail connecting Kunming in its Yunnan province with the rest of Southeast Asia are already underway. In the landlocked nation of Laos, tunnels and bridges are already under construction. The United States has, in general, condemned China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) sweeping infrastructure programme, with US and European policy circles…

Is the US Trying to Turn Zambia into the “African Sri Lanka”?

Is the US Trying to Turn Zambia into the “African Sri Lanka”?

The recent Mainstream Media speculation about the true state of Zambia’s debt might be manipulated by the US to craft the weaponized infowar narrative that the country’s becoming the “African Sri Lanka”, a misleading perception that would be designed to enflame anti-Chinese sentiment as a prelude to the Indo-Japanese “Asia-Africa Growth Corridor” making decisive inroads…