Pakistan: The Global Pivot State

Pakistan: The Global Pivot State

Pakistan’s promising economic potential, international connectivity capabilities, and unparalleled geostrategic location combine with its world-class military and proven diplomatic finesse over the decades to turn the South Asian country into the global pivot state of the 21st century. As astounding as it may sound to most observers, the global pivot state of the 21st century isn’t…

Why Does Pope Francis Hate Western Nationalism But Ignore the UAE’s Arab Variant?

Why Does Pope Francis Hate Western Nationalism But Ignore the UAE’s Arab Variant?

The Pope recently visited the UAE in what was the first time in history that a Catholic Pontiff set foot on the Arabian Peninsula, symbolically occurring in the context of an inter-religious conference hosted by the comparatively tolerant UAE. The Emirates wants to establish itself as a bastion of stability and interfaith harmony in the…

Pakistan Relying Less and Less on US, Turning to China, Saudi Arabia & UAE

Pakistan Relying Less and Less on US, Turning to China, Saudi Arabia & UAE

Pakistan is making important strides in its military and naval capacities with the help of China, relying less on US-made weaponry. Despite accepting money from all sides, Pakistan’s relationship with China continues to be strong. After the Trump administration decided to suspend $3 billion in security assistance to Pakistan, complaining that Islamabad fails to do…

When 'Former' Spies Run Wild, Bad Things Happen

When 'Former' Spies Run Wild, Bad Things Happen

A number of related stories describe nefarious activities by ‘former’ NSA, ‘former’ CIA, ‘former’ military officers who joined private businesses which harm other people. They demonstrate that there is a structural problem when those trained to be weapons are allowed to run in the wild. Reuters just published a two part story about ‘former’ NSA…