Women War Criminals: A Vital Cog in NATO’s Plans of World Conquest

Women War Criminals: A Vital Cog in NATO’s Plans of World Conquest

Although Chairman Mao told us that women hold up half the sky, he failed to expound on what proportion of NATO’s war crimes women are responsible for. Although China’s Chairman Mao Zedong famously told us that women hold up half the sky, he failed to expound on what proportion of NATO’s war crimes women are…

The Collapse of Kiev

The Collapse of Kiev

This article was written on June 10. At that time, the only information available came from Russia and allied headquarters. Ukraine had imposed a total embargo on its counter-offensive. We should therefore have waited before publishing this text. However, we felt that if Ukraine had been able to break through Russia’s first line of defense,…

Putin Chose The Perfect Time to Reveal Details About the Now-Defunct Draft Treaty with Ukraine

Putin Chose The Perfect Time to Reveal Details About the Now-Defunct Draft Treaty with Ukraine

He wanted to reassure Russia’s African partners that it isn’t responsible for the food crisis ahead of the next foreseeable round of information warfare claiming otherwise, which will likely commence once the “grain deal” expires next month in the days leading up to the second Russia-Africa Summit. President Putin surprised his guests from the African…

Lukashenko Strongly Hinted That He Expects Belgorod-Like Proxy Incursions Against Belarus

Lukashenko Strongly Hinted That He Expects Belgorod-Like Proxy Incursions Against Belarus

The very fact that the Belarusian leader said that NATO and/or Ukraine’s dispatch of “small units” to his country wouldn’t cross his red line suggests that he expects that it might occur in the near future. As long as this isn’t “full-blown aggression” that sees their “troops…cross the border and start a (larger) war”, then…