Deliberate Misrepresentation: Western Media Bias Makes Israeli War on Palestinians Possible

Deliberate Misrepresentation: Western Media Bias Makes Israeli War on Palestinians Possible

While US and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case. Take the New York Times coverage of the latest Israeli war on Gaza as an example. Its article on August 6, “Israel-Gaza Fighting Flares…

Israel Conquers the World

Israel Conquers the World

I have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and take-no-prisoners fashion. He has lately been brave enough to…

‘A Dangerous Message’: How the West Is Enabling Israel’s Orgy of Violence Against Palestinians

‘A Dangerous Message’: How the West Is Enabling Israel’s Orgy of Violence Against Palestinians

It is increasingly clear that Gaza paid the price for an Israeli military campaign in the West Bank that has little to do with it. In an orgy of violence, Israel reversed a strategy – which it has been pursuing for decades – of dividing the Palestinians into different camps. It is now forcing them…

Why Is Amnesty Apologising for Telling the Truth About Ukrainian War Crimes?

Why Is Amnesty Apologising for Telling the Truth About Ukrainian War Crimes?

Should a human rights organisation apologise for publishing important evidence of war crimes and human rights abuses? If it does apologise, what does that suggest about its commitment to dispassionately uncovering the truth about the actions of both parties to war? And equally, what message does it send to those who claim to be “distressed”…

Zelensky Is Scared That Detained Azov Members Will Spill the Beans About Kiev’s War Crimes

Zelensky Is Scared That Detained Azov Members Will Spill the Beans About Kiev’s War Crimes

The last thing that Zelensky wants is for those fighters to admit to the war crimes that they carried out on the orders of senior officials answerable to him personally, which would therefore implicate him since he ultimately sits atop the chain of command. Just last week, “The Washington Post Admitted That Zelensky Lied, People…

Israel Blames its Victims for the Violence it Causes

Israel Blames its Victims for the Violence it Causes

The situation in Palestine can be summed up as follows: Rampant Settler violence and intimidation, state-sponsored racism and violence, modern, comfortable housing and living conditions for Jews only while Palestinians are denied basic services, killing of Palestinians across the board – activists, journalists, fighters, children and citizens of Israel. Palestinian organizations, even ones that are…