Pre-Emptive Murder

Pre-Emptive Murder

The lives of the latest fifteen Palestinian children to be murdered by Israel in Gaza, lives ripped from their small, terrified bodies with devastating violence, do not seem of much concern to the powerful in the West, or indeed anywhere. The BBC repeated without question Israel’s claim that its latest launch of high explosive at…

Twitter Facilitates Cyber Terrorism and NATO-proxy War Crimes in Ukraine

Twitter Facilitates Cyber Terrorism and NATO-proxy War Crimes in Ukraine

Louise Mensch an online blogger, former UK Conservative MP,  with a sizeable following on Twitter effectively called upon the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces to assassinate Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett. Mensch responded to Bartlett’s comment that she was on the ground in Donbass recording the Ukrainian criminal use of petal or butterfly mines in residential areas…

The West Is Silent as Ukraine Targets Civilians in Donetsk Using Banned ‘Butterfly’ Mines

The West Is Silent as Ukraine Targets Civilians in Donetsk Using Banned ‘Butterfly’ Mines

On Saturday, July 30, just after 9pm, thunderous explosions rocked central Donetsk. Shortly after, there were announcements that air defense had shot down Ukrainian-fired missiles containing ‘butterfly‘ (or ‘petal‘) mines. Given that over 300 of these explosives are packed into each of the Ukrainian-fired rockets, central Donetsk could literally become a minefield if they successfully landed.  Social…

Washington is the Problem, Not the Solution: Why Mahmoud Abbas is Seeking New ‘Powerful’ Sponsors

Washington is the Problem, Not the Solution: Why Mahmoud Abbas is Seeking New ‘Powerful’ Sponsors

To judge US President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Israel and Palestine as a ‘failure’ in terms of activating the dormant ‘peace process’ is simply a misnomer. For this statement to be accurate, Washington would have had to indicate even a nominal desire to push for negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian leadership….

Brits Sanction Brit

Brits Sanction Brit

Rather than use Phillips to build backdoors to potentially save the lives of Aslin and his fellow killers, MI5 cast Phillips out into the cold. In their latest round of sanctions, the British regime has sanctioned British subject Graham Philllips, as well as a number of Syrians, who sent Syrian fighters to Ukraine. The main…

Customary Barbarity: Britain’s SAS in Afghanistan

Customary Barbarity: Britain’s SAS in Afghanistan

The insistence that there is a noble way of fighting war, one less bloody and brutal, has always been the hallmark of forces self-described as civilised.  Restraint characterises their behaviour; codes of laws follow in their wake, rather than genocidal impulses.  Killing, in short, is a highly regulated, disciplined affair. The failed wars and efforts…