Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right. NATO’s Soft War Soldiers

Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right. NATO’s Soft War Soldiers

NATO can send in the clowns but hopefully at day’s end, against the cold steel of the Russian Armed Forces, the joke will be on them. Ukraine’s Clown Prince Zelensky, history’s richest ever comedian, was refused permission to perform during the finals of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, a rigged contest his rump Reich was…

The West Must Get Used to China’s New Role in the Middle East

The West Must Get Used to China’s New Role in the Middle East

China’s role in facilitating the recent reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been recognised worldwide – but dismissed or ignored by the US and some of its allies. Rather than applauding an initiative that could help bring peace across the Middle East, leading western media outlets have either avoided mentioning China’s contribution or have been reluctant…

Unipolar World in Retrospect and the Onset of Multipolarity

Unipolar World in Retrospect and the Onset of Multipolarity

The U.S. managed to establish dominance by resorting to soft power, after they have destroyed each and every country by use of hard power. The U.S. managed to establish dominance by resorting to soft power after attempting to destroy each and every country by use of hard power. We all sing multipolar world, multipolar world,…

Indian Diplomacy in Overstretch

Indian Diplomacy in Overstretch

The Foreign Secretary’s special briefing on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Asia-Pacific tour (May 19-24) dovetailed skilfully into three summit meetings, and brings to mind an institution of the Middle Ages known as the “wandering minstrels”.  Wealthy people used to employ minstrels to entertain them in their homes. These wandering minstrels told stories, recited poems, sang…

Western News Media Exist to Administer Propaganda

Western News Media Exist to Administer Propaganda

The single most overlooked and under-appreciated aspect of our society is the way domestic propaganda is used to shape the way mainstream westerners perceive and think about their world. Typically the only time you’ll ever hear the word “propaganda” mentioned in mainstream discourse is in reference to things other countries do to their own citizenry…