A New Brutal Purge Upon the Serbs in the Making, Orchestrated by NATOstan

A New Brutal Purge Upon the Serbs in the Making, Orchestrated by NATOstan

The goal of the Kosovo Albanians’ hidden agenda is even more blatant now in broad political daylight in the midst of the Ukraine crisis, Тatiana Obrenovic writes. The Serbs are ‘up on the barricades’ yet again. The Kosovo Albanians-only police officers keep provoking the local Serbs. They harass the Serbs only and arrest the innocent…

The Kosovo Knot and How to Solve It?

The Kosovo Knot and How to Solve It?

Kosovo (in fact, Kosovo-Metochia), a disputed territory claimed by Serbia and Kosovo Albanian separatists, which Serbs regard as central to their cultural identity (differently to the Albanians), is going to pose much more unexpected problems for the international community concerning its political status as it became obvious that Belgrade and Prishtina cannot found common language…

NATO Seeks to Punish Belgrade’s Ukraine War Policy by Arming Kosovo

NATO Seeks to Punish Belgrade’s Ukraine War Policy by Arming Kosovo

After supplying equipment and emboldening a militarized Ukraine, Britain has now started arming Kosovo’s Albanians with Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missile systems. The British Embassy in Belgrade said that some Serbian media published fabricated claims of arms exports from the United Kingdom to Kosovo and claimed that there was no truth to those allegations. However,…

It’s Time for NATO to Leave Kosovo Before It Does Any More Damage

It’s Time for NATO to Leave Kosovo Before It Does Any More Damage

Just as it all ended badly for the West’s military interventions in Vietnam and Afghanistan, so it will in Kosovo. NATO has overstepped its mandate, overplayed its hand, and overstayed its welcome. As the last US military helicopters were leaving Kabul, Afghanistan, many, including myself, emphasized the similarities with America’s embarrassment in Saigon, South Vietnam…

Bagram – Bondsteel Connections

Bagram – Bondsteel Connections

Afghanistan domino effect has started. It arrived to Southern Serbian occupied province of Kosovo and Metohija. Shqiptars are in the middle of creating more instability by their terrorist activities. The fact that they are rebranded from initially, terrorist organization (UÇK), to “freedom fighters” (UÇK) and then to “official police/military forces” (ROSU/KSF) of unrecognized, illegal and…