Russia’s Recognition of “North Macedonia” Is Part of the “New Balkans” Plan

Russia’s Recognition of “North Macedonia” Is Part of the “New Balkans” Plan

Russia’s recognition of “North Macedonia” disappointed many activists in what Moscow would have otherwise continued to regard as the Republic of Macedonia per its constitutionally legitimate name, but this purely political move shouldn’t have been all that unexpected in hindsight because it correlates with speculation that Moscow plans to take the lead in shaping the…

So What If Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation of the Golan?

So What If Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation of the Golan?

Who really cares what Trump says when nobody’s words one way or the other are going to change the reality that “Israel” probably won’t be dislodged from the occupied Golan Heights anytime soon, especially not when Russian troops are enforcing an anti-Iranian “buffer zone” there and Moscow itself strongly suggested that Damascus surrender this territory…

Putin Rattles Sabre as Nuclear Pact Collapses

Putin Rattles Sabre as Nuclear Pact Collapses

President Putin’s state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly in Moscow this week was an extraordinary affair. While heavily focused on domestic social and economic development, Putin noted, predictably, the US decision to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty and clearly outlined the red lines in regard to possible consequences of the move….

Russia’s Nuclear Energy Edge Got the US to Cut Ethical Corners with the Saudis

Russia’s Nuclear Energy Edge Got the US to Cut Ethical Corners with the Saudis

One of the latest American scandals revolves around former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s alleged breach of ethical norms in trying to secretly push through a nuclear energy deal with the Saudis which might have even been illegal if he tried to circumvent the so-called “123 agreement”, though his partnered company at the time hit…

President Putin’s “Great Society” Program Will Build the Future Russia

President Putin’s “Great Society” Program Will Build the Future Russia

The Russian government announced that it’ll commit approximately $390 billion to implementing President Putin’s “May Decrees” that he issued following his reelection last year on a promise to revitalize the domestic economy and finally deliver tangible benefits to the majority of the population, especially those outside of the main cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg…

How to Find Something Positive in the Sea of Negativity

How to Find Something Positive in the Sea of Negativity

At this time it looks like 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is definitely doomed. This became absolutely clear when on Feb. 1, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced that the United States would suspend its obligations and intends to withdraw from that treaty in six months. President Vladimir Putin responded immediately that Russia…