Biden’s Remark About Zionism Is Relevant for Everyone

The Alt-Media Community, which is known for its fierce anti-Zionism, can acknowledge Biden’s point (which is merely an echo of Lavrov’s even though it’s being made for totally different reasons) while still condemning Zionism and encouraging stereotypical Westerners from the Golden Billion who aren’t traditionally thought of being proponents of multipolarity to embrace that worldview.

Biden declared while on his first presidential trip to Israel that “you need not be a Jew to be a Zionist”, which is actually relevant for everyone. The point that he was making is that someone’s ethno-religious identity at birth doesn’t predetermine their views later in life, which is exactly what Foreign Minister Lavrov had conveyed in early May regarding Zelensky’s embrace of fascism in spite of being born Jewish. The resultant spat that Israel provoked in response has since been resolved, but the point being made by the American leader and top Russian diplomat still stands.

Far too often folks try to pigeonhole others into identity-defined political categories based upon their preconceived notions of what people with one or another identity typically believe, whether based upon one’s own subjective experiences and/or whatever they might have heard throughout the years (both of which might be generally accurate, inaccurate, or a blend thereof). The author, for instance, is a proud American-Pole with Ukrainian ancestry (the double -ko’s in his surname are of distinctly Ukrainian origin) yet he proudly stands with Russia and explained why at length here in late February.

The same holds true for Biden and all those other non-Jews that are dedicated Zionists, whose ethno-religious identity at birth clearly didn’t predetermine their views later in life. The preceding observation is simply that – an observation – and shouldn’t be misconstrued as an endorsement of that ideology. By the same token, Westerners can be equally dedicated Russophiles and/or zealous proponents of the multipolar worldview, which isn’t “treason” like former Polish Foreign Minister Sikorsky ridiculously claimed earlier this month but is their natural right to believe if they want to.

The information-communication technology (ICT) revolution of the past few decades made it so that ideas can easily proliferate across state lines without so-called “agents of influence” traveling abroad to spread them. Gone are the days when shadowy American, Russian, or other operatives went deep-cover in hostile states to recruit locals to their homeland’s cause (though some nevertheless still exist) since the vast majority of ideas are freely disseminated across the web, where people voluntarily search for them and network with likeminded online communities due to their own personal interests.

That’s not to say that intelligence fronts have become irrelevant – if anything, they’re more active then ever under the façade of being so-called “NGOs” and government-organized ones (GONGOs) – but just that someone’s ethno-religious and even national identity at birth is no longer automatically the defining factor behind the formation of their views. It should be clarified, however, that those factors previously didn’t automatically predetermine one’s views in and of themselves but rather suggested a certain socio-cultural environment that usually shaped them in a certain direction.

The Alt-Media Community, which is known for its fierce anti-Zionism, can acknowledge Biden’s point (which is merely an echo of Lavrov’s even though it’s being made for totally different reasons) while still condemning Zionism and encouraging stereotypical Westerners from the Golden Billion who aren’t traditionally thought of being proponents of multipolarity to embrace that worldview. If anything, Biden’s point adds credence to their cause since one can just as equally be a non-Jewish Zionist as they can be a Western supporter of multipolarity since neither’s identity at birth predetermines their views.

By Andrew Korybko
Source: OneWorld

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